Thursday 31 January 2013

The Future Of Social Media

In the last couple of years, social media has rapidly changed from a small amount of people who use it only through web browsing to a successful money making industry. It has expanded quickly to smart phones such as Iphones, Blackberries and other devices which have applications such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and other applications which is used mostly for social media, and have found a successful way of changing consumer’s consumption habits.
With technology rapidly changing, I assume social media will change spectacularly in the next few years. With wireless and other electronic devices being easily available, and acquired for a lower price, social media will have most the world connected, with business’s around the world will realize how efficient and convenient social media really is.
Because of the easy accessibility, I predict that Television will be greatly affected by social media. Individuals no longer have to pay for satellites, they can easily watch their news on their electronic devices or connect their TV through wireless connection, an example of this change can be google and apple tv.
 I assume blogs will only grow bigger, the rise of social media has allowed any consumer the ability to become a writer/publisher. Individuals have shown a positive interest to what other consumers have to say, they can talk about their daily life, interests and rate products that they have used. This will have a huge shift in social media in the future, with companies using a ‘push’ strategy to alternatively changing to a more consumer oriented strategy.

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Language Style

A language basically is a method that makes a communication between human being whether written communication or spoken. Different language styles are applied in different languages in the world. One of the incredible language style as I think is the way how Arabic language is being written using English letters and numbers. This style has been started when Arabic communication was needed to be written using English keyboard. The best way to do this was to pick English letters that have the same pronunciation as the Arabic letters, and then combine those letters to make up a word. There was a problem which is some Arabic letters cannot be pronounced on the way how English letters are. The alternative way to solve this problem was to look at the English numbers that have the same font as Arabic letters and those numbers is pronounced as Arabic letters. For example the letter  ك  in Arabic is pronounced almost the same as the letter  K  in English,  ن  the same as  N, number  6 is used as  ط  in Arabic and  7 as  ح  in Arabic.


Nowadays, memes have been used very often in many different contents. Basically memes are photos that may contain few words on it have a specific meaning or hints. The reason behind using memes is to give a first expression or an idea about what the topic is about. They express people’s emotions and their reaction in anything they read or see in an easy way. One of the common memes that has been used in social media is the laugh face. The laugh face has been used frequently, as jokes are extremely used in social media websites. This meme was taken from a real man laughing pictures. It represents how funny the content that the laugh face was attached with or sometimes it could express sarcasms. 

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Mirrors Do Not Lie

Bodybuilding is a sport that makes you to compete and challenge yourself in the first place, to be ready to compete other players. It is not a sport where you go to gym to left weights then do the same tomorrow. Food intake plays big part in bodybuilding towards reducing fat percentage and increasing muscles mass, as well as sleeping hours to give the trained muscles enough time to recover.

Bodybuilders are well known how they love standing in front of mirrors to see the improvement of their bodies. However, they may fool their selves and think that they have gained the result they have dreamed of or planned to. This kind of inspiration is not a way to motivate yourself; it kills your enthusiasm instead. Any bodybuilder should see their gains from hard working as it is, as a result it will help them to improve their bodies to look even better.